I. Introduction to Christian Faith

i. Overview of the statement of faith

ii. What is biblical faith?

iii. The importance of faith in the Christian life

II. The Authority of the Bible

i. The inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture

ii. The role of the Bible in Christian faith and practice

iii. Principles of biblical interpretation

III. The Tri-unity of the Godhead

i. The nature of God as three-in-one

ii. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Scripture

iii. Implications of the Trinity for faith and practice

IV. Creation, Fall, and Redemption

i. The biblical account of creation, fall, and redemption

ii. The sinfulness of humanity and our need for a savior

iii. The work of Christ on the cross and our salvation

V. The Person and Work of Jesus Christ

i. The deity and humanity of Christ

ii. The virgin birth and the life of Christ

iii. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ

VI. The Gospel of the Grace of God

i. The message of the gospel

ii. The importance of the death, burial, and resurrection

iii. The implications of the gospel for our lives

VII. The Salvation of Sinners

VIII. The Second Coming of Christ

i. Christ's bodily ascension and heavenly enthronement

ii. The second coming and the resurrection of the dead

iii. The implications of the second coming of Christ

X. Pursuing Personal Holiness

i. The importance of personal holiness

ii. The role of discipline and self-control

iii. Sexual immorality and the honor of marriage

i. The nature of salvation

ii. The role of faith in salvation

iii. The assurance of salvation

VII. The Salvation of Sinners

i. The nature of salvation

ii. The role of faith in salvation

iii. The assurance of salvation

IX. Baptism and the Holy Spirit

i. The importance of water baptism by immersion

ii. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and tongues

iii. The gifts of the Spirit and their role in the church

XI. Divine Healing and the Lord's Supper

i. The nature of divine healing

ii. The prayer of faith

iii. The importance of the Lord's Supper for believers

XII. Eternal Life and Eternal Punishment

i. The reality of eternal life for believers

ii. The reality of eternal punishment for unbelievers

iii. The implications of eternal life and eternal punishment for Christian faith and practice

Welcome to the course.

This is a Christian foundations course developed for Living Waters Fellowship members based on the Living Waters Fellowship FCA Statement of Faith.

Course Description:

This course will explore the foundational beliefs and practices of the Christian faith based on the LWF statement of faith (Link Above). It will examine the authority of the Bible, the nature of God, the salvation of sinners, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the role of the church in the world. The course will also explore practical implications of these beliefs for personal holiness and spiritual growth.

The course begins by exploring the nature of faith and the role of reason in the Christian worldview. It then moves on to examine the key doctrines of the Christian faith, including the Trinity, the nature of God, and the nature of humanity.

The course also delves into the significance of salvation, exploring the concepts of sin, redemption, and grace, and the role of faith in the process of salvation. The importance of the church and its role in fulfilling God's purposes in the world is also discussed, including topics such as baptism, the Lord's Supper, and the spiritual gifts.

In addition, the course provides practical guidance on Christian living, including topics such as holiness, self-discipline, and sexual morality. The reality of eternal life and eternal punishment is also explored, with a focus on the biblical teachings on these topics.

Throughout the course, the biblical basis for each topic is emphasized, with numerous scripture references provided to support the teachings presented. The course also includes opportunities for reflection and application, encouraging students to think deeply about the implications of the material for their own lives and spiritual growth.

Overall, "Living Waters Fellowship Foundations" provides a scriptural and accessible introduction to the core beliefs and practices of the Christian faith. It is a resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Christianity, whether they are new to the faith or have been a Christian for many years.